vaper expo

The Vaper Expo UK Returns

On the 26th, 27thand 28thof October 2018, Vaper Expo returned to Birmingham. Vaper Expo being one of the biggest shows in the United Kingdom and Europe returned once again for the last time in 2018. This show was to make sure we ended 2018 on a high with the amazing year we have had. Nasty Juice were showcasing the all new Berry Series for all new consumers to try. Three new flavours were on the cards and every flavour received phenomenal feedback.

Over 5000 Nasty Berry packs were given out to retailers and consumers. This would contain a bottle of all three of the new Nasty Berry Series flavours, a Nasty Juice lanyard and a keyring. Not just that we were also showcasing the new Nasty Berry Series and getting customers to try them and provide us with the feedback. Along with showcasing our new Nasty Berry Series we also picked up another award, we received the award for Best Menthol for Slow Blow, a tantalising pineapple with sweet lemonade and low mint. Slow Blow was a part of our signature Yummy Fruity Series and has already won multiple awards.

We would like to thank everyone who came to the show and showered us love, also we would like to thank Vapouround for the opportunity and everyone for voting Slow Blow for another award helping us clinch The Best Menthol Flavour.

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