menthol ban in the uk

The Menthol Cigarette Ban – Is Vaping an Alternative?

In May 2016, the government announced changes to the tobacco laws, in efforts to achieve a smoke-free society; also, to deter young people from taking up smoking. From May 20th, 2020, menthol cigarettes and flavoured tobacco were banned. This ban comes from the European Union’s Tobacco Products Directive campaign to reduce the number of smokers…

Underage Vaping A Concern?

Underage Vaping – Becoming a concern?

You’re definitely aware of the disposable vaping trend flooding the UK and around the world. Especially if you’ve spent time scrolling through social media or have been strolling down your local streets. The colourful packaging, portable design, and fruity flavours are proving to be extremely popular among young people and are easily available at most…

UK laws on vaping

UK Laws On Vaping

For more than ten years, vaping and e-cigarette products have been accessible in the United Kingdom. Many e-cigarettes aesthetics and designs have developed since, improving and personalising the vaping experience. Regulatory changes in quality, safety, and performance have also changed the way they’re advertised and sold to customers. You should be aware of the UK…

Smoking v Vaping


Firstly, in the United Kingdom by law you must be over 18 years of age to purchase e-cigarettes or e-liquids. In December 2018, Public Health England, (an organisation that exists to protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities, released an eye-opening video, outlining the effects of smoking on the lungs against…